

フィリピンの怪談&トークイベント「八戸のゴースト/GHOST IN THE SEASHELL」

こんにちは、shineriです。今日は大晦日ですが、フィリピンの幽霊話をします。2019年9月20日(金)に、AIR-Hのプロジェクトである「八戸のゴースト/GHOST IN THE SEASHELL」トークイベントに登壇しました。今回はそのゆる〜いレポートと、フィリピンのghost storyをおおくりします。



AIR-H(Artist in Residence Hachinohe)は、八戸工業大学感性デザイン学部の東方悠平さんが率いるプロジェクトです。2017年から青森県八戸市をベースに、アーティストインレジデンスなどを行っています。これまでにも、フィリピンから八戸にやってきたアーティストたちが、作品を制作し、トークイベントを開催してきました。2019年の来八アーティストは、ghost storyを集めるNeo Maestro(ネオ・マエストロ)でした。


◯Neo Maestro(ネオ・マエストロ)

1991年フィリピン出身、カラヤアン大学にて絵画を学ぶ。ペインティング、インスタレーション、映像等を用いて、作品を制作している。近年は特に都市マニラに住むことを通じて個人的な視点や歴史的な視点が絡まり合って生じる、不安や強迫観念の経験をモチーフにしている。また最近は、アーティスト・コレクティヴであるWalang Kikiloのメンバーとしてマニラの都市空間と向き合っている。アーティストとしての活動の他に障がいを持った子供たちへの美術教育や、他のアーティストのアシスタント、キュレーターやリサーチャーのためのガイド等アートの周辺領域での活動も多い。

上記が今回のプロジェクトで公表されていたNeoのプロフィールです。しかし、私が得た彼の印象といえば、「オバケが好きな人」でした。私が日本のオバケの名前を話すたびに、熱心にそれはどういう存在なのかと説明を求められるので、私はたどたどしい英語で説明することになりました。また、Neoは滞在中、お店や大学で会った人たちにghost storyを知らないかと呼びかけて、話を集めていました。誰かがghost storyを話し始めると、Neoはいつもどこからか小さなメモ帳をサッと取り出して丁寧に話を書き留めました。そういうときに彼はいつも満面の笑みを浮かべていました……。


トークイベント「八戸のゴースト/GHOST IN THE SEASHELL」


  1. アーティスト活動、フィリピンのghost storyの紹介
    Neo Maestro
  2. 日本の妖怪と幽霊(フィリピンとの類似例)
  3. 八戸でのフィールドワークと作品制作
    Neo Maestro


第1部では、Neoが自身の活動と、フィリピンのghost storyを紹介しました。蝋で固めたあやしげな赤い絵画作品のほか、特に印象的だったのは、フィリピンのとある家で展示された作品です。聞き集めたghost storyのレポートをリビングルームに設置し、来場者はそれを読み、ときには新しいghost storyを追加するという作品。ghostの話をしているとghostが寄ってくる、と考えられていることをふまえた作品だそう。これ、日本と同じですね!

Neoとオバケの話をしていると、「あ、そういうのこっちにもいるわ」という話題でよく盛り上がりました。第2部では私がそういう話をしました。Neoがまとめたマニラのghost storyをもとに、類似する日本の例を紹介したのです。また、冒頭には、私が幽霊・妖怪の造形を研究する上で重要だと考えているイマジネーションと伝播について、また、Neoが集めているようなstoryは、地域の文化や心理などを伝えてくれることについて、お話ししました。



最後に第3部では、Neoが八戸でおこなったフィールドワークと作品制作について紹介。来八してすぐは、異国の地で寂しくひたすら街を徘徊し、なかなか八戸人と交流できなかったそうです。それでも、住宅街の小窓越しに感じる気配にインスピレーションを得て写真作品を制作し、八戸学院大学内にあるH∞L Galleryで個展「Not Seeing the See」(2019/9/12-10/11)を開催。その後、怖い話を創作するワークショップを開催したり、大学生の案内で心霊スポットをめぐったり、座敷童がいる二戸市の緑風荘へ行ったりしていろいろと活動しつつ、ghost storyを聞き集めながら仲間を増やしていったようです。八戸で集められたstoryは、八甲田の幽霊やカローラ山荘などの広く知られたものから、個人的な体験談まで様々でした。それもいつかシェアしたいですね。


◯マニラのghost story

トークイベントでは、Neoがマニラで集めた4つのghost storyを教えてくれました。Neoの許可を得られたので、一部の個人名を伏せてここでも紹介します。なんとなく日本語に訳してみました。







God Created The Devil and the Devil Created The Most Beautiful Disaster Piece Ever Made (2008) (diptych) 60 x 48 inches, oil on canvas






A zoomed-in photo of a selfie taken inside the F gallery.





first floor in the art space F



Exhibition view of Neo's aunt’s school of love (2018)





Throat Painting #5 (2017) 4x5 feet Wax, garbage bags, and plastic varnish




以上がマニラのghost storyです。Fギャラリーで起きたような、ガタガタ物音を立てるというのは、オバケの定番です。ポルターガイストや鳴屋(家鳴)みたいなものでしょう。しかし展示してある絵を落とすとは、絶対に美術館ではやめていただきたい行為ですね。また、アートスペースWにいる幸・不幸を左右する「ドゥエンデ」は、座敷童子に通ずるものがあり興味深い存在ですし、魔除けとしてニンニク・生姜・塩を使うという話も親近感がわきます。いわくつきの絵とかも世界共通なんですねえ。下に原文も付けましたので英語が得意な方はこちらをお読みください。


Instances of Hauntings Related to The Visual Arts in Manila

In Manila, I’ve been tracking down instances in which there are encounters large or small in regard to the supernatural. Below are stories I’ve gathered that not only have to do with large or small supernatural occurrences, but are also related to the field of visual arts.

The first of these stories stems from the work of Z, a Filipino artist living and working in Manila.
The diptych on the left, titled God Created The Devil and the Devil Created The Most Beautiful Disaster Piece Ever Made (2008). He showed this painting in HGallery in Manila in 2008. I was told that as this painting was shown on Z’s exhibition opening, one of the exhibit attendees was a psychic who could see ghosts and spirits. While the opening activities were occurring, the said psychic attendee saw a shadow in the shape of a human figure step-out of this painting and into the crowd. One of the artists attending this opening was said to have been followed by this shadow to his residence in Quezon City. Sometime after the exhibition opening, the painting was bought by a collector. But after a short period of owning this painting, the collector reportedly burned this painting without any explanation to Z.
Some time in 2018, I talked to Z about his painting — I asked why this particular painting of his was haunted and was subsequently burned. He looks at me, confused, and says it’s just an ordinary painting. He adds that he does not have a clue to why this work of his has been surrounded by so much infamy. I asked him how he felt while painting it — if he had been experiencing any negative feelings while painting it, but he says he was quite fine when he was painting it.

The second instance of a haunting in relation to the visual arts happens in a gallery named Fin Makati City. This gallery is popular among the commercial galleries in Manila and is frequented by artists, curators, art enthusiasts and the general public. There was an painting exhibition that was held here that was regarded to be haunted. Paintings kept falling down by themselves even though they were properly and securely installed. There was also an instance in which a woman took a selfie with a painting to her left. But to her right, 3 figures of caucasian-looking women can be seen floating from the 2nd floor balcony. I showed this photo to an artist who had installed his work in this gallery before, and shared that he felt like there were other people were there with him while installing his work even though he was alone. A worker from a neighbouring gallery on the left side of F was reported to have been slapped full-on on the face while being alone. The restaurant one the right side of F made a complaint against the gallery one holiday for being too noisy with construction work and for their workers carrying heavy loads up and down their stairs, causing the restaurant’s ambience to be disturbed. I asked a gallery employee about this and they say that day being a holiday, their entire staff of the gallery was on leave, and the entire gallery was said to have been securely locked.

W, an art space found in the old residential area of Manila has had it’s share of ghost and spirit phenomena despite only being open to the public for around 2 years. In the space, they often offer shiny coins and candy to small, yokai-like beings called “dwende”. They are small beings who wear colorful clothes. They can bring good luck if you are kind to them or bad luck if you disrespect them. Often, the candies offered them become empty without the wrapper being opened. A personal experience of mine happened while I was assisting my aunt in preparing for exhibition in W.
Having just finished a meeting with W’s curator, my aunt met up with me to discuss the exhibition details. We met in her apartment, and left for an hour to have lunch. When she discussed her exhibition plans with me, she said she was planning to “work” with the ghosts residing in W. Upon coming back to the apartment, my aunt asked me “If I had any blood on me.” Feeling confused, I asked her to repeat her question. I had heard correctly — she had asked if I had any blood on my person. She asked this because the bathroom light had suddenly gone out and there was around two-fingers worth of blood smudged in the middle of the bathroom wall. Both of us checked our bodies and found that we had no wounds. We could not explain how there could have been blood on the wall. My aunt felt afraid. I told her to calm down and I would clean the wall of the blood stain. Normally in these circumstances relating to strange occurrences, I would have taken the photo of the blood stain. But my gut-feeling strongly told me not to take a photo. While cleaning the blood off the wall with a wet tissue, I smelled it to confirm if it had really been blood. The red stain had smelled strongly of iron. After cleaning the stain, I watched the wet tissues stained with red slowly turn an earthy brown. It really had been blood. Still feeling afraid, my aunt had asked my to spend the night in the apartment. My aunt grew sick after a few days of finding the blood. Eventually, she decided not to include the ghosts in W in her artwork, feeling that they might have been the ones who left the blood and made her sick.
During the beginning of the actual exhibition being installed, we had used garlic and ginger to protect us from the ghosts/spirits, put salt in each corner of the house, and offered prayers while lighting white candles. There were no more supernatural experiences that occurred throughout the exhibition period. 

For 4 years now, I’ve been making a series of red wax paintings. The series is titled “Throat Paintings” because I am not able to talk about their actual subject matter, and the story is stuck in my throat. One of these paintings was exhibited in a gallery Min Manila. The gallery owner told me that the painting was almost sold 2 times to different collectors. He told me that one said that he had to cancel buying the painting because a feng shui expert had told him not to buy the painting because of its “negative” feeling. The other collector said that he had wanted to buy and keep the painting, but it had a (again) negative feeling to it and he feels that it will burn down his house if he keeps it there. I find these stories about my painting very intriguing. 



Neoが八戸に滞在していた期間は短いものでしたが、その後もghost storyについてのやり取りは続いています。先日Neoから送られてきたベトナムのghost story一覧には、ランタンを長い舌で舐めるやつとか、「死者の市場」とか、死者を操る猫とか、興味深いことがたくさん書かれていました。今日も大晦日だというのにフィリピンで聞いた新しい話をまた送ると連絡してくれました。それらもいつか紹介したいですね〜。

ちなみにプロジェクトタイトルの”GHOST IN THE SEASHELL”は港町八戸と攻殻ナンチャラにちなんだ駄洒落で深い意味はないそうです(東方悠平氏談)。

ということで、今回はフィリピンのghost storyについてでした。2020年もよろしくお願いします!


